Desert Life
Blooming mound cactus was common in the granite formations of Teutonia peak at Cima dome.
This often pencil-sized Mojave shovel-nosed snake, Chionactis occipitalis, is a burrower usually ‘swimming’ under the soft sands where it hunts for invertebrate prey.
Glossy snakes, Arizona elegans, are some of the most frequently encountered night time snakes. Despite the heavy road mortality many live ones are usually encountered.
My personal favorite rattlesnake species are the speckled rattlers, Crotalus mitchellii. They come in an amazing variety of colors and patterns, but as their namesake suggests, they are usually speckled and flecked to nicely blend into their respective rocky surroundings. This pair of snakes were found together in lava talus where they were returned after a brief photo session.
Great shots – thanks for sharing. My Mojave “aha” moment came when listening to Peter Gabriel’s Passion and making eye contact with a large coyote. For moments we stood staring at each other until he ran off for the evening’s dinner. How exciting to hear his triumphant howls shortly after. I don’t share this story often as I feel it cheapens the experience.
I look forward to your updates, stories, photos, and information you provide us who don’t get to travel. You’re always informative, interesting and you get us thinking. Most importantly, is the knowledge you provide. We can tell your heart is in what you do. Keep up the good work.
I loke your work.
Unfortunately, I am not able to see the photos.
Tried Chrome, IE8 both to no avail.
any thoughts?
I am building a cabin not far from Kelso Dunes ( as the bird flies).
I also am intriguied by wild life especially that in the desert.
Have you visited Afton Canyon? (south of Baker just off I15)
Take care and keep up the “good” work ( the quality is great, but doing it for good is best.)
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