Sani Lodge Pt.5 – The Amphibians!
Another frequent caller from the water edge was the hatchet-faced frog Sphaenorhynchus lacteus. This is another of the few frog calls I know (and frequently caught) so I chose to ignore them. That is until I couldn’t place a loud metallic calling with them. But on each inspection I only saw S. lacteus; until I actually caught what I thought was S. lacteus calling this different call. So I bagged one of each and found that I had S. dorisae as well. I wasn’t sure it was in this region.
The hatchet-faced frog, Sphaenorhyncus lacteus, was common in the grasses at the edge of the lagoon.
Another of the 3 species of western Amazonian hatchet-faced frogs, Sphaenorhynchus dorisae.
I caught at least 3 species of Pristimantis sleeping on vegetation or bolting through leaf litter and think there were another 3-5 more species but these don’t make for great photos so I only took some grab shots of 2 of them.
I am not very good at working with Brachycephalids. I believe this is Pristimantis peruvianus.
Hypsiboas punctatus was also another frog that I’d see once a night or so within the forest. Usually they were just strangely sitting on leaves doing what seems to be nothing.
Another great post, Tim! Thanks for sharing your experiences and your awesome photos!
Oh, great picture! That’s a cool little frog. I’ve always wanted to go to South America and look for dart frogs. Just to see them in their natural environment!
Great looking trip. I want to field herp in south America sometime. Wish I had somebody who loved them as much as me to go with!
The dart frog community is pretty close-knit. Dive in and you’ll find someone to take a trip with you. I’ve been fortunate to see lots of dendrobatid species in the wild (from several countries); many of them exceedingly rare. You do have to put in the work to pull it off but the rewards are worth it. I’ll have to write a dendrobatid hunting article some day.